Cancerous and Benign Breast Surgery

Self breast exams are important; they are a tried-and-true way to detect breast cancer and other conditions early. If you notice any changes in your breast, whether it’s a lump, discharge, or unusual pain, reach out to your primary physician as soon as possible. Dr. Grunander is trained to perform both benign (non-cancerous) procedures and breast cancer surgeries. She serves patients in the Ogden area with the:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

  • Evaluation of breast lumps, abnormal mammograms, abnormal sonograms, abnormal MRI of the breast, breast pain and nipple discharge

  • Surgical management of breast lumps, breast cancer, and breast infections

  • Genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer

Benign Breast Condition


While Dr. Grunander performs a number of complex breast cancer surgeries, she also treats patients with benign breast conditions.

Fortunately, most growths that develop in the breast are not cancerous. There are several reasons that lumps develop in the breast including normal changes in breast tissue, breast infection or injury, and certain medications that may cause lumps. Some benign lumps that can develop in breast tissue include:

  • Simple cysts (Fluid-filled sacs that can vary in size)

  • Fibroadenomas (Solid, round lumps that move freely and are generally painless)

  • Intraductal papillomas (Wart-like growths near the nipple that may cause bleeding)

  • Fibrocystic changes (Milk ducts and tissues that have grown and become wider to form cysts)

What’s most important is to make an appointment with Dr. Grunander at the Ogden Clinic or your OB/GYN if you discover any new breast changes including pain without lumps or nipple discharge.

Do all breast lumps require surgery?

Not all benign lumps require surgery, although Dr. Grunander may collect a biopsy of the tissue if she suspects a disorder. Fibroadenomas and intraductal papillomas are effectively removed with surgery.

Breast Cancer Surgery

It’s estimated that over 231,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. But with early detection, breast cancer is very treatable. Dr. Grunander brings experienced breast surgery and treatment options to cancer patients in the Ogden area. She can even detect hereditary cancer genes before they can become a problem with BRCA 1&2 hereditary cancer screening; an option for many men and women.

If you need breast surgery, Dr. Grunander will educate you about your own condition and help you make an informed decision about which procedure is best. She will take time to help you understand the different types of breast cancer surgeries including:

  • Preventive (prophylactic) mastectomy
    This elective surgery follows hereditary cancer screening. Women who are at a high risk of developing breast cancer may choose preventive mastectomy.

  • Mastectomy
    Mastectomy is the removal of all breast tissue. This may be done if the area of cancer is too large to remove without deforming the breast. There are five different types of mastectomy: simple (or total) mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy, partial mastectomy, and nipple-sparring mastectomy.

  • Lumpectomy
    Lumpectomy is the removal of the discrete lump only. This is often preferred for smaller breast lumps because it conserves the breast and gives patients physical/emotional advantages over mastectomy.

  • Breast reconstruction
    There are many types of reconstructive surgeries available using implants or tissue transplanted from another part of your body. Dr. Grunander will discuss your options with you.

Call to schedule an appointment!